Sunday, December 23, 2007

Episode &(7)

HO HO HO HOMAR iz bak wiff a new starrie ta make da bearz sing! Little BOY/girl/see/c/sea, come eat da pie say homar clause (ittz kristmuz? WTF?!) boy oh boy say child, what in da pie? HoHoho..... POISON! Hold onta yabuttz!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Follow that cab!!!!!!!!! Twas da chase at hand - SHIT SON! Copcar - pull ovar boyo =( ... ... ... da think he do .. ... ... I dont think so BRA! Off dey is wiff da chase! HI HO!


2 mile short of da finish line, these boy get brot ta da justice. 18 counts of da speeding, 21 counts of da recklus driveing, 1 count of DUI, 5 counts of da curb jumpingz, 2 counts of jambory motorbikez, and 1 count of MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! da cop stay dere for 2 hours - no moving - nothing - then finally he da say/talk/fortify/see/c/sea for to da homar ¿HOW DO YOU PLEAD? da beast groaned wiff a hint of satisfaction and a bit of a melody became part of our lives. Listen! You can hear it if you believe.

¡I Knew u'd say dat! da cop respond wiff

And so, Homar wuz off to da bucket camp wiff da othar jambory bikerz.
¿Held Jelophant! Im da trapped! Jellophant jump to da rescue! ¿Look out homar- jelophant say- I see/c/sea da /sea/c/see frum hear/boat... ...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

↓oh chya...

bout da last post... vegita forfit n homar get da win. Hold onta ya butts wiff da FIERCE!!!!



We begin dis episode by putting you right into da action.

WHIRLWIND!!! POWER STRIKE!!! EEAAAARRRTTHHHQQQUUUAAAKKEEE!!!!!!!!!! Boy o boy! Looks like Homar is da fight wiff VEGITA over 9000 leaugus undar da sea/c/see!!! Fight, Jonny FIGHT FIGHT! underground ALL AROUND! Let take him for da WALK¿ round town? U bet... Full force and off we gooo!!!!!!!! Holdontoyourbuttz!!!!!!!!


Shut cha big mouf k? YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, DONT YOU¿!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hold onta YA BUTTSZ!

Monday, November 26, 2007


File down da bar cause we are in chains. ¿NOT SO FAST, SKALLIWAG!? Yay its Homar to save da day/bay/time/sea/c/see.. For a while the boat was on auto pilot in da garageTURN THIS THING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!! u kant have boats in jaradges! poetic klicense OH YEAH go on.... da boat wait for da prison runnarz but not if homar on da job (watchman/gaurd/fleace/sheese) we'll be comin around da mountain in da no time!! slow down, k? ....... isayed slo dwon! SLOW DOWN!!! KABAMM and da familiy/scam/sea/c/sea was dead? Holadex los buttox and Hold onta ya buttz!!!


Da sky she was da trumpets for the sea/see/c/see/sea Girls he know got field hockey but wheres da beef? for now he waits- ep 4 da start... ... ... now.
Fort if ic a tion
He was trapped in aisia. Homar that is. It was a time to think real quick like. But time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into da future.... QUICK da rope, da grab it and tie it. homar do he tie around da neck and wait for 3(three/III) hour. when da levIE break in new orlinz he go wiff da tide n fall. What is da man to do? Short days ago he was da goose of moose but now he be da dead than he live when he wake up. Hold onta ya BUTTS!!1!!11!Q

Friday, November 23, 2007


Sometimes we sit/think/see/c/sea and wundar whare da sun go at nite but not so far to da stars go in da day. To day on da SHOW we look at da boats!¡ For da long times Homar was on the think/want/see/c/sea for da boat. ¿Thats da one! DONT PHEAK OUT MAN... its a real nice one. On da sea/see/c/sea he goes out past da bay into da ocean/wide water/see/c/sea. He losts and needs to da find.. PEnguin find da old boy on da new/nice boat¿4 christs sake man what r u doin out here? I am da lost PENGUIN SAVE DAY

Hold onta ya BUTTS!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Tip 4 u straet frum HOMAR! BIG TIP!: PWNZ da n00b5 4 lyf3¡ see ya next time! Hold onto ya butts!!!!!!!!!!!

Episode ! (1)

Hows this for da short starie! Homar is at home with wife/kids/dogs/cats/bowls/see/c/sea and he reaches for remote¿ After all its in northe east NuBrunswick ¿amirite¿ He gets told to: ¿Hey dad: by son: ¿you are da lazy man/guy/see/c/sea? Homar sits and da think will happen... Am i a man ?I MEAN FOR REAL A MAN¿ He goes da find out with dog/dogs/cats/bowls/see/c/sea FINd he happens...::|;|;|::... I must be man you can: ¿french canadean gets told to homar: ¿ You, homar, must be the man when you do da tasks? well Ill be for homar he goes no dogs/c/you know what to do/see/c/sea ... he finds task for eat: he do.... he find task for make: he make... he find task for run: dis is da be hard\ can he da run he think: ¿you bet I can da run? he told homar/himself... He run: he do da tasks he need for be da man and return home: he and da man? WHAT IS DA DIFF?¿ Hold onto ya BUTTS!!!!

Welcome to da SHOW!

Welcome to da Homar Sampson SHOW!!! HOORAY!! We all are gonna be in da funny place when we see/watch/read/see/c/sea da new SHOW so hold onto ya butts! JURRASUCK PURK!!!!!