In da deepest jungle dey travel
weeks it seem before dey meet wif da mountains But Desperado not for tis a desperado they meat
¿Aha fair journeyors! Va Avec myself¿
'Surely, we shal but first, lend us thine nimithicus?!
Renderred thru ears listeners crouchethed and alas da words he spither spaet:::
¿Aha fair trail goers! You wil kno my nom soon enough, but for now, I shall lenth ye the words of my eldest papa:
"nacep a si
lous ym"
Tis german for dirty things¿
Dayz, nites, neon lights and a whay da group a went til dey met wit da palace gates
Come eat says da King
and so do is dey
"Yess Eat. Eat it all up. Yes, thats right. Gobble gobble. muhuh mahu mahu maha ma HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
But thine upperedness, ou esta la Desporidu?
Oh my
nacep a si
lous ym
My soul
is a pecan
HOLD ONTA YA buttikans!!!!