AHA *Snaps to himself and bam thats it Idea time like there's no tomorrow cuz if you check da clock, it is buster boy!
AIGHT - A tight wimper from a tired old wheel SLEEP GODAMMIT! doesnt work
Mayhaps a try a A wram Brevrage? Aha but is it boilFUCK!!!!! Not to Self dont burn your hands okay buddy?
a quick slirp and its time To mop up buddy! But(bud) its hard to wipe and see/c/sea your face, amirite buddy? Okay buddy! lets move it buddy! of to da matress shop, if you catch my drift, buddy? AHAHAHA Im jez messin with ya buddy? You okay Buddy? Youre not lookin so hot. Here, come sit on peppy's lep, okay? Okay buddy? Shhhhh ch ch ch ch chhh Its okay buddy. Peppys gotcha OH NO WAIT NO!
And thats the strary of how to loose a guy in ten day amirite, buddy?
Hold on ta yer, BUDDY!