Sunday, November 22, 2009

Episode !((19)

Oh look, Its you. I never thought I'd see your ugly mug around here agin... not after the incident.

Well, McAdams, it looks like you thought wrong. And if you think you're getting outta here alive this time, well, you're dead wrong.

Just then da phoned ringethed.

BACHINGO*  ... ... ... BACHINGO*

You gonna pick that up or are you just gonna play honky dory?


McAdams groaned in mild frustration.

Yah 'Ellow?... MmHmm... Yah.... Akay, awright. bye now!... yuh-Yes thats fine, listen I'm busy I- Yes, yes gotta go... IGotta Go okay? Love you too Kay bye bye.

Sorry, that was my Father. It appears today wont be your lucky day, that is to say, I'm going to have to spank your spots off in a jiffy.

Hmmm, a jiffy you say? Why thats jast da way oi loik it!

Just then a fallen tree shakes and shimmys across da room beneaf it, YOU GUESSED IT BUDDY!


Who DERE?! EHODERE?! Lets get it on boydogs!

Karate here karahtay thar and a blah blah blah

Like youre even listening

No, I am daddy, rilly!

DONT INSULT ME BOY! Any Idiot could tell youre a damned LIAR!

No daddy, NO! I SWEAR


Hold onta your BUTTS?! in MY HOUSE?! YOU'RE NO SON OF MINE!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Episode !*(18)

Shift shuffle and snore: No HOPE,    for sleep thatiz? Ah to do to dao?

AHA *Snaps to himself and bam thats it Idea time like there's no tomorrow cuz if you check da clock, it is buster boy!

AIGHT - A tight wimper from a tired old wheel SLEEP GODAMMIT! doesnt work

Mayhaps a try a A wram Brevrage? Aha but is it boilFUCK!!!!! Not to Self dont burn your hands okay buddy?

a quick slirp and its time To mop up buddy! But(bud) its hard to wipe and see/c/sea your face, amirite buddy? Okay buddy! lets move it buddy! of to da  matress shop, if you catch my drift, buddy? AHAHAHA Im jez messin with ya buddy? You okay Buddy? Youre not lookin so hot. Here, come sit on peppy's lep, okay? Okay buddy? Shhhhh ch ch ch ch chhh Its okay buddy. Peppys gotcha OH NO WAIT NO!

And thats the strary of how to loose a guy in ten day amirite, buddy?

Hold on ta yer, BUDDY!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Episode !&(17)

Congrats Couger, you done it again

A back-woods fiesta is coming to a boil and a handshake is coming to an end as we descend upon this fine meeting of friends.

How do you do it? I just gotta know, bra!
You wanna know my secret?
Aight come hear and yee shall c/sea/see

Tis ofcoarse Jelophant on da trail of his trusty musty bud.
In the meantime, Homar is gettin cozy on the shelf.

And THATS how its done my friend!
Wow.. just.. WOW! I dunno what to say, bra! As always you've blown me away.

Lest you should want it sucked
which it will be
as there is a master suckstress on the loose! Thats right! ZE VAMPIRE! Oh? Whats that? You forgot? You forgot he was a vampire? What are you, stupid? HUH?!

Hold onto that GOD DAMNED BUTT!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Episode !^(16)

Poops a Go-Go and ze heat is on, my friends. Thats wright, we've got a serious problem, and I think.. well, we think you might have a little info to share with us.

I strattled a lump of coal between my chest and abdomen, idley entertaining myself as da man in da berret continued to drole on and on.

Parker is it?

Yes, I replied legs agaping, Yes, I supposed that would be me.

Close your legs god dammit! This isnt some sort of carnival. This is Official Police buisness!

Sweet christ! Upon hearing these words, da world around me seemed to collaps. I had suspected it all along in da back of my mind, but up untill this point it hadnt yet dawned on me that it could actually be true.

Hello? Da Berreted man shook me back to reality.

Dear god, I muttered, Not a carnival

Just at that moment Jellophant knocked at da door. He had clearly not see/sea/c-n da note i left for him back at the hideout.

Ill ve vack in a voment.

Vhat? I said

Vhat. HAH! Vat a vuseless vord. VHAT IZ VOR ZE VEAK!

I was vecoming... a VAMPIRE

to be continued... in your butt(Which you best be holding onto)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Crimson: Pekanese Nights

In da deepest jungle dey travel

weeks it seem before dey meet wif da mountains But Desperado not for tis a desperado they meat

¿Aha fair journeyors! Va Avec myself¿

'Surely, we shal but first, lend us thine nimithicus?!

Renderred thru ears listeners crouchethed and alas da words he spither spaet:::

¿Aha fair trail goers! You wil kno my nom soon enough, but for now, I shall lenth ye the words of my eldest papa: 

"nacep a si

lous ym"

Tis german for dirty things¿

Dayz, nites, neon lights and a whay da group a went til dey met wit da palace gates

Come eat says da King

and so do is dey


"Yess Eat. Eat it all up. Yes, thats right. Gobble gobble. muhuh mahu mahu maha ma HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

But thine upperedness, ou esta la Desporidu?

Oh my

nacep a si

lous ym

My soul

is a pecan

HOLD ONTA YA buttikans!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Episode !%(15)

Oh now now what do we hyav hear?
Tiny boy, Come, sit avec ton pepep!

Ah! But PaPa! your laces have gone astray!
VEEEERRRY obSERVENT boy! Can you c/see/sea whycome such tragedies to I have becometh¿!

Give it a rest PAPA!
Be-eth this a Bedtime Story

A summer side beeech they prance
swrods in hand
waiting for exactly da correct moment...

Striken befelded da boy to a chamber of terrible horrorz

Jez a banch a' winy rich bitchez if y'allz is askin me sah!
Well no one asked you did they.
Nah, I rightf'lly s'pose no one did, sah.
Now appologize to your Mama.

Hold UNTO thine lipizankeurz!