Thursday, May 28, 2009

Episode !^(16)

Poops a Go-Go and ze heat is on, my friends. Thats wright, we've got a serious problem, and I think.. well, we think you might have a little info to share with us.

I strattled a lump of coal between my chest and abdomen, idley entertaining myself as da man in da berret continued to drole on and on.

Parker is it?

Yes, I replied legs agaping, Yes, I supposed that would be me.

Close your legs god dammit! This isnt some sort of carnival. This is Official Police buisness!

Sweet christ! Upon hearing these words, da world around me seemed to collaps. I had suspected it all along in da back of my mind, but up untill this point it hadnt yet dawned on me that it could actually be true.

Hello? Da Berreted man shook me back to reality.

Dear god, I muttered, Not a carnival

Just at that moment Jellophant knocked at da door. He had clearly not see/sea/c-n da note i left for him back at the hideout.

Ill ve vack in a voment.

Vhat? I said

Vhat. HAH! Vat a vuseless vord. VHAT IZ VOR ZE VEAK!

I was vecoming... a VAMPIRE

to be continued... in your butt(Which you best be holding onto)

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